A bad credit loan or adverse credit loan is a loan available to those with a poor credit rating. Your credit rating may be affected because you have CCJs or have defaulted on repayment of other credit such as a mortgage or credit card. These have high interest and will hopefully help you gain better credit for future money borrowing.
Apply for credit building loans here and compare them against each other to find the most suitable loan for you we can find.
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Offering fixed monthly repayments on loans of up tp £25,000 for the duration over 1-7 years and no arrangement or set up fees.
AA Loans are provided by Bank of Ireland UK. AA Financial Services Limited is a credit broker and not a lender. Representative example: Borrow £10,000 over 42 months at a Representative APR of 7.9% fixed and annual interest rate of 7.75% you would pay: £273 per month, Total credit charge: £1466, Total amount to repay: £11466