Owning a minibus means you’re probably using it to carry multiple people to multiple places, whether this is for personal or business use. A standard car insurance won’t take into account the amount of passengers you could be carrying, and also might not cover you up to the limit you need to repair or replace your minibus in the event of an accident, fire, or theft.
Minibuses are useful for a huge number of reasons, and it’s important to have the right cover in place. Typically, their job is as a form of taxi, to make sure those from a school, club, sports group, charity, or church (among others), get from A to B safely. Or you might just have a big family with places to be.
You’ll need to consider which type of minibus insurance you need, and this will largely be determined by the nature of how you use it. For personal use, the selection of ‘social, domestic, and pleasure’ might be enough to cover your needs, but if you use your minibus under contract or as part of a private hire service, you’ll need to look into ‘hire and reward’ insurance.
The policy you select must match up with how you use your minibus - if it doesn’t, your cover might end up being invalid, and you might not receive a payout if you have to make a claim.
Whichever policy you end up with, try getting a quote with Cheap.co.uk. We compare insurance providers so you don’t have to! Get started with our user-friendly quote engine, and compare prices effortlessly today.