Conveniently located just off Junction 9 of the M42, with award winning security and friendly staff. You are helped with your luggage on the courtesy coaches, transfers run on-demand and take around 15 minutes to reach Birmingham Airport terminal.
APH Parking and Hotels Limited
Faraday Avenue
Hans Hall Distribution Centre
B46 1AL
On arrival please report to Reception & present your confirmation slip or quote your Booking Reference Number.
Departure Procedure:Full details of the returns procedure will be given on arrival at the car park.
Directions:Sat Nav - Caution when planning your journey to the car park. A few of our customers have experienced problems when trying to locate the APH car park when using older sat nav systems, particularly Tom Tom systems. There are a couple of Faraday Avenues in the Birmingham area; please DO NOT select the Faraday Avenue in Quinton, instead you should select the Faraday Avenue located in Coleshill, Warwickshire. The nearest cross street being Hams Lane. Our full address is: APH Birmingham, Hams Hall, Nr Lea Marston, Coleshill, Warwickshire, B46 1AL.
From North West: Leave the toll road at Junction T2, turn right following signs for A446 and Coleshill. Continue to follow the Coleshill signs at the next roundabout, turn left at the Hams Hall roundabout, proceed to the next roundabout and turn left. Birmingham APH is on your right
From the South via M5, M40 or Wales: Join the M42 North, exit at Junction 9 signed A446. Turn right following signs for A446 Coleshill, then left at the Hams Hall roundabout. Proceed to the next roundabout and turn left where Birmingham APH is then on the right.
There is a FREE transfer bus which runs every 10-15 minutes to the terminal, 24 hours a day. This takes around 15 minutes to complete.
Security:Park Mark - Safer Parking Award. This car park has CCTV and is manned 24 hrs. Entrance and exit is barrier controlled.
Disabled Notes:All buses cater for disabled passengers.
Extra Notes:Free jump starts are available should you require. APH are unable to accommodate bikes, surf boards or items of similar size on their transfer coaches.
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