Getting insurance on your satellite navigation system is a must as they are often the primary target of a car thief! Not only this but they are also used a lot and left in places like under your seat or in your boot where they fall victim to wear and tear as the roll about and get knocked.
Here at we allow you to compare sat nav insurance online in place with several providers offering gadget insurance in our system. Brands such as TomTom, Navman, and more can get covered against the unfortunate.
Get peace of mind for less today by insuring your sat nav with the comparison. Don't regret not being covered if the worst does happen!
Award winning gadget cover with 25 years of experience. Cover includes 1 month free, option loss cover (depending on products) and accessories cover of up to £150.
Gadget insurance made simple... Gadget Buddy offer cover for both individual devices but also multi gadget discounts and worldwide cover is included as standard.